Research Scientist
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Area of Research
Antidepressant action of ketamine in animal models of depression
Selected Publications
Nguyen, T. M. L., J.-P. Guilloux, C. Defaix, I. Mendez-David, I. Etting, J.-C. Alvarez, J. C. McGowan, J. N. Highland, P. Zanos, J. Lovett, R. Moaddel, E. Corruble, D. J. David, T. D. Gould, C. A. Denny and A. M. Gardier (2024). « Ketamine metabolism via hepatic CYP450 isoforms contributes to its sustained antidepressant actions. » bioRxiv.
Nguyen, T. M. L., C. Defaix, I. Mendez-David, L. Tritschler, I. Etting, J. C. Alvarez, W. Choucha, R. Colle, E. Corruble, D. J. David and A. M. Gardier (2023). « Intranasal (R, S)-ketamine delivery induces sustained antidepressant effects associated with changes in cortical balance of excitatory/inhibitory synaptic activity. » Neuropharmacology 225: 109357.
Doan, J., C. Defaix, I. Mendez-David, A. M. Gardier, R. Colle, E. Corruble, J. C. McGowan, D. J. David, J. P. Guilloux and L. Tritschler (2023). « Intrahippocampal injection of a selective blocker of NMDA receptors containing the GluN2B subunit, Ro25-6981, increases glutamate neurotransmission and induces antidepressant-like effects. » Fundam Clin Pharmacol.
Pham, T. H., C. Defaix, T. M. L. Nguyen, I. Mendez-David, L. Tritschler, D. J. David and A. M. Gardier (2020). « Cortical and raphe GABAA, AMPA receptors and glial GLT-1 glutamate transporter contribute to the sustained antidepressant activity of ketamine. » Pharmacol Biochem Behav 192: 172913.
Pham, T. H., C. Defaix, X. Xu, S. X. Deng, N. Fabresse, J. C. Alvarez, D. W. Landry, R. A. Brachman, C. A. Denny and A. M. Gardier (2018). « Common Neurotransmission Recruited in (R,S)-Ketamine and (2R,6R)-Hydroxynorketamine-Induced Sustained Antidepressant-like Effects. » Biol Psychiatry 84(1): e3-e6.
Defaix C., A. Solgadi, T. H. Pham, A. M. Gardier, P. Chaminade, L. Tritschler (2018). Rapid analysis of glutamate, glutamine and GABA in mice frontal cortex microdialysis samples using HPLC coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis.
Pham, T. H., C. Defaix, X. Xu, S. X. Deng, N. Fabresse, J. C. Alvarez, D. W. Landry, R. A. Brachman, C. A. Denny and A. M. Gardier (2017). « Common Neurotransmission Recruited in (R,S)-Ketamine and (2R,6R)-Hydroxynorketamine-Induced Sustained Antidepressant-like Effects. » Biol Psychiatry.
Pham, T. H., I. Mendez-David, C. Defaix, B. P. Guiard, L. Tritschler, D. J. David and A. M. Gardier (2017). « Ketamine treatment involves medial prefrontal cortex serotonin to induce a rapid antidepressant-like activity in BALB/cJ mice. » Neuropharmacology 112(Pt A): 198-209.
Lavialle-Defaix, C., V. Jacob, C. Monsempes, S. Anton, J. P. Rospars, D. Martinez and P. Lucas (2015). « Firing and intrinsic properties of antennal lobe neurons in the Noctuid moth Agrotis ipsilon. » Biosystems.
Lavialle-Defaix, C., V. Apaire-Marchais, C. Legros, C. Pennetier, A. Mohamed, P. Licznar, V. Corbel and B. Lapied (2011). « Anopheles gambiae mosquito isolated neurons: a new biological model for optimizing insecticide/repellent efficacy. » J Neurosci Methods (1): 68-73.
Lavialle-Defaix, C., B. Moignot, C. Legros and B. Lapied (2010). « How does calcium-dependent intracellular regulation of voltage-dependent sodium current increase the sensitivity to the oxadiazine insecticide indoxacarb metabolite decarbomethoxylated JW062 (DCJW) in insect pacemaker neurons? » J Pharmacol Exp Ther 333(1): 264-272.
Lavialle-Defaix, C., H. Gautier, A. Defaix, B. Lapied and F. Grolleau (2006). « Differential regulation of two distinct voltage-dependent sodium currents by group III metabotropic glutamate receptor activation in insect pacemaker neurons. » J Neurophysiol 96(5): 2437-2450.
Grolleau, F., M. Stankiewicz, E. Kielbasiewicz, M. F. Martin-Eauclaire, C. Lavialle, J. De Vente and B. Lapied (2006). « Indirect activation of neuronal noncapacitative Ca2+ entry is the final step involved in the neurotoxic effect of Tityus serrulatus scorpion beta-toxin. » Eur J Neurosci 23(6): 1465-1478.
Wicher, D., S. Messutat, C. Lavialle and B. Lapied (2004). « A new regulation of non-capacitative calcium entry in insect pacemaker neurosecretory neurons. Involvement of arachidonic acid, no-guanylyl cyclase/cGMP, and cAMP. » J Biol Chem 279(48): 50410-50419.
Jean, I., C. Lavialle, A. Barthelaix-Pouplard and C. Fressinaud (2003). « Neurotrophin-3 specifically increases mature oligodendrocyte population and enhances remyelination after chemical demyelination of adult rat CNS. » Brain Res 972(1-2): 110-118.
Book Chapters
Grolleau, F., C. Lavialle and B. Lapied (2002). Canaux Ioniques Neuronaux d’Insecte : Cibles pour des Toxines d’Origine Animale. Toxines et Recherche Biomédicale. F. Goudey-Perrière, C. Bon, S. Puiseux-Dao and M. P. Sauviat. Paris, Collections Elsevier Scientifiques et Médicales: 211-220.